About us
“Interior design is an ever-expanding art form.”. With the efflux of time, the things once thought best adorning, get to be wanting with upcoming discovery and development. Sometimes, the old replaces the new and other times new replaces the old, exactly as the robes do. So, we are apt to keep, therefore, on a conscious note matching ourselves with the latest one on board.
A business needs a place, how so small, that is attractive, offers a congenial ecosystem and pleasing look and comfort not only to its customers but to the persons inhabiting it more than the merchandise one deals in. Customers tend to incline to one which is appealing to them than the one which offers a shabby look having though far better goods than the other. That’s the reason, the establishments offering pleasing translucent and tidy look do better than those missing it. Whatever expenses a business incurs on renovation with appealing designs of the work place are well offset by volume of business.
We started the interior designing of preferably the commercial complexes, offices, show rooms way back 5 years later with a new establishment M/S 3S Space Solutions. The promoters of the firm are matured and knowledgeable persons enjoying vast experience in the field of designing, fixtures and furnitures and has worked on several projects so far successfully.
Nothing short of business, as are lot many in the market but we aspire for not the profits simplicitor but break the adverse perception of the masses about the people involved in mud and mortar. We are hard to compromise the quality regardless of other considerations. We can define our design style as soulful and modern, combining the love of nature with modern-day life and a touch of glam to create lavishly liveable and inspiring spaces. We love being creative and can feel proud to use our passion for creativity in our career and daily life too.
More than 5 years on, we have since worked on commercial projects in public and private sector in Delhi, UP, Haryana etc, bringing up the complexes to their new attire which one could hardly thought of. Big residential complexes have also been our catch. Interior designing is not our business alone but it comes more of an obsession, deep insight. We weave into the societal and cultural themes matching the choices and dreams of our clients. We prefer to call them associates more than clients. We belong to them.
Our design approach lends itself to a modern style while incorporating influences from nature that speak to the soul of the abode in which resides the soul of our corporate, for a modern, yet timeless look and feel. Creating nature-inspired spaces is something we are passionate about. Our designs focus on more than just appearance and function; they tie into how a space feels and how those feelings influence our mood. We aim to create spaces that are not only beautiful for our associates, but that are also customized beyond their wildest dreams all while solving their biggest problems which they themselves very often don’t perceive. We truly believe that every corner should bridge the gap between beauty and function. When our homes are designed with intent they just simply work, leaving you feeling inspired to effortlessly live a full and beautiful life.
Vastu Shastra plays very important role in the life of every person and it decides not only the positions of persons but the placement of fixtures and furniture in the building one occupies. We auger well this situation and synchronize the positions befitting to what it ought to be, at no extra cost.